
Freelance writing services are a never-ending need. Not everyone has a head for writing, but for those that do, there is tremendous opportunity to make a living through writing alone. Most aren’t aware of the many possibilities out there, but the options are nearly endless and the platforms and places where you can find work are as well.


Consider the many places you see writing everyday. Everything from cereal boxes to mailbox flyers to your insurance company’s website. All of that was created by a writer and nearly every business, organization, politician or group needs someone to do it for them. That’s where you come in.


The cool thing is that there are many places that need writing services as there are interests. So if you also happen to be into skateboarding, you could actually reach out to skateboarding companies and find a niche to work into there. All industries need writers so let the world be your oyster as you consider the places and publications you might reach out to.


10 Writing Services You Can Offer as a Freelance Writer

This is by no means a comprehensive list, but I wanted to offer some ideas for those who are new to freelance writing and need ideas to get started. Think outside the box and you will find work! Don’t forget, every place you come across needs writers and you just might be exactly who they are looking for.

1. Copy Writing

Copywriting can technically be any writing, but I think of it more as content for websites or other online spaces that need words. It’s generally a persuasive, somewhat sales-y type of copy meant to convey positive aspects of a company or business and motivate people to buy, use or share. Copywriters need to think about a lot about the target audience they are speaking to and what will get those people to take the actions the client wants them to take.

2. Blog articles

These days, most businesses and organizations have blogs. It’s all about the SEO, right? You need content to feed the Google machine and keep people coming in with fresh thoughts. Most people don’t have time to blog, so this is a perfect opportunity for you to come in and take over. Depending on the subject matter, you can brainstorm a ton of ideas and whip out 300-600 word blog posts full of keywords and optimized interests. Blog articles are important for a business and there is great opportunity here.

3. Newsletters

Newsletters are another writing task most people don’t want to deal with. Over the past decade or so, we’ve all come to learn that newsletters are king. Everyone loves social media, but an email list is your goldmine. Therefore, you need great content to send out exclusively to your email list. Where does great content come from? It can be images and videos, but you’re definitely going to need words to have a great email newsletter.

4. Copy editing

Copy editing is obviously less writing and more editing, but still a form of writing. Everyone needs copy editors because no one wants to look unprofessional by having typos or grammatical mistakes on their public facing properties. That’s where you come in. Be a fresh set of eyes on important content this going out to customers and supporters. Help rework sentences that are out of place and polish up copy so it’s really good.

5. Ghost writing

Ghostwriting can make you a lot of money. Do you know how many CEOs and higher ups don’t want to write but do want their name on something? Whether it’s an op/ed, a policy paper or even a book — there are a lot of people out there willing to pay a ghostwriter to make them look good. Some may have ethical issues against ghostwriting, but it is done often and there is not shortage of opportunities if you can make your mark. I know a woman who makes a living ghostwriting memoirs!

6. Sales and ad writing

Got a knack for being persuasive? Welcome to sales writing! The right words can make so many more sales. Have you ever tried doing an A/B test on a newsletter subject line? Sometimes one gets a way higher open rate. That’s why people are always look for smart, savvy sales writers who know how to press the buttons of potential buyers. Can you get them to imagine themselves wearing the shirt or doing the activity? Then you might be awesome at this always-ripe field of writing.

7. Press releases

Press releases aren’t really anyone’s favorite thing to write, but they are still a thing and people need writers to put them together. Press release writers really need to boil down top line information into smaller talking points and make them easy to understand and accessible to the press. The idea is to get the attention of the media here, so the better you can do that for your client, the happier they will be. It can be one of the quicker types of assignments if you are good at them.

8. E- books

E-books may not be as popular now as they once were, but they are still a heavily used resource. Companies, coaches and organizations often used e-books as incentives for email collection, program sign ups or other free lead magnets. Again, ebooks are a lot of writing that the owners and employees don’t really want to do themselves. If you are a quick thinker and a fast writer, e-book writing may be an awesome option for you.

9. Technical writing

There is a lot of technical writing needed for things like instruction manuals and simplifying complex information down into readable chunks for the lay person or internal staff. I’ve read that good technical writing is “relevant, useful and accurate information” aimed at specific audiences. Technical writing may include white papers, process flows, product catalogue or training manuals, among other similar products. Because this isn’t the most fun kind of writing, there may be more job availability for you here!

10. Social copy

Every good company needs social media, which means they also need good social media copy. Some leave this to a particular “social media manager,” while other work with writers and their own staff to create engaging, fun and informational social copy. You may pick up a social copy gig in the form of becoming a social media manager or content creator — or you may just write copy for the client and they use it as they see fit. Either way, social media is always a need people have so don’t count yourself out of that game.

Get Started Freelance Writing

These are just some of the most popular ways you can make a living freelance writing. It’s hard to believe, but writing is just always a need in every business, organization or issue area. Remember, your skill is a writer is not something everyone has!

So how do you get started? My first steps would be to make sure your Linked In profile is optimized to showcase you are an available freelancer,  and then grab your profiles and positions on places like Upwork and Fiverr. One of the best ways to get your first jobs is just to put it out there to your social networks what you are available for. Make an announcement on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Send out an email to your professional connections and let them know what work you have openings for.

Many of my best clients have come from word-of-mouth recommendations. Even one little connection can make a difference because people aren’t usually up for trusting strangers on the Internet if they don’t have to.

If you are looking for some extra help in any kind of writing, you can check out my coaching offers and sign up here to see if you are good fit. I also offer a course every other month or so called Bragworthy Bylines: Get Paid and Published, which focuses on how to secure freelance work, see your ideas and make money! You can take the static course here — or join my email list and jump for the next live round (which i think is much better!)