5 Ways for Freelancers to Prepare for a Thriving New Year
Looking for freelance writing jobs in the new year? As a freelance writer, I'm never "in the clear" in terms of work for the new year. The nice thing about a full-time gig is that you are. However, for me that often meant staying in jobs I didn't really want to be in...
10 Writing Services You Can Offer as a Freelance Writer
Freelance writing services are a never-ending need. Not everyone has a head for writing, but for those that do, there is tremendous opportunity to make a living through writing alone. Most aren't aware of the many possibilities out there, but the options are nearly...
6 Takeaways From My First Writing Conference
A writing conference? A dream. I've had this one for many years -- and it finally happened. To be surrounded my like-minded female writers for a weekend of learning and communing was absolutely incredible. I am so unused to be around those who think like me and get...
Literary Magazine Submission Opportunities
Literary magazine submissions are a great way to start making an impact with your writing. They've always been a little bit mysterious to me, but this week I did a deep dive into literary world. And there are so many magazines to submit to! I honestly don't know what...
5 Important Things to Build Into Your Paid Writing Job Strategy
So you want to be a paid writer? Or you *are* a paid writer, but feel overwhelmed by clients, invoices or strategy. I get it -- I've been there. In the past 5 years of being a freelance writer, I've learned a thing or two and I want to share it with fellow writers....
8 Places to Find Paid Writing Work Today
Find paid writing work everyday with just a few resources. As writers, sometime our brains feel empty of ideas! When the well runs dry, let this list help you out. There is no shortage of places to apply for jobs or fine writing work. It’s just a matter of saving the...
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