
Looking for freelance writing jobs in the new year? As a freelance writer, I’m never “in the clear” in terms of work for the new year. The nice thing about a full-time gig is that you are. However, for me that often meant staying in jobs I didn’t really want to be in anymore just for the security. It made for a miserable work-life.

Now that I’m free and clear on my own, I can’t just waft into December without a care in the world like I used to. I’ve got to be thinking of my next move, in order to secure jobs and income for the fresh new year.

Freelance writing is an awesome profession with lots of opportunity, but it does require pro-activity on your part. When you learn the ropes, however, it can actually be a fun challenge!

5 Ways to Prepare for Freelance Writing Jobs in the New Year

  1. Drop past clients a line. Check in, say happy holidays and mention that you have some openings in the new year! You’d be surprised how many times you come to *their* rescue with a simple email. It’s easy to forget about your services or be caught in a pinch and just think you aren’t available. Let them know you are happy to assist!
  2. Package your services & promo them on social in a fresh way. This seems obvious, but it’s important to do it regularly. Rather than say you are “available for copywriting,” turn it into a New Year Copywriting Bundle. Make it seem like a present and present an irresistable offer that makes people want to  say “yes.”
  3. Dive into freelancer Facebook groups and see what opps are available there (there are always loads of options!) I’m in so many groups and on so many email lists, it can be overwhelming. But if you really are hard up for work, it’s worth the time it takes to sift through the message and seek out real possibilities. You’ll find no shortage of work. It’s just a matter of finding your fit.
  4. Brainstorm new pitches for publications to get motivated (and send a few out!) Brainstorm sessions are everything — trust me. We are so busy completing our projects and living our lives that we rarely set aside time to actually THINK. But an hour of concerted think-time will get you so far. Consider what you want to write or what you want to do. Then, dash it down on paper, start googling and explore the possibilities.
  5. Contact *current* clients to see if they have any new needs coming up that you can add to your work with them. This is my favorite! I’ve made many a dollar simply by taking a peek at current client work and letting them know where they might improve. Often, they’ll just ask you to increase your work for them. It’s hard to find good people and they already trust you. Bump up that monthly anchor money!

These are just a few ways I manage to get my ducks in a row for the new year. As I look back at the past year, I was pleasantly surprised at all the ways I made income and it got me excited for the coming year. If you are new to freelance writing, this can be a lot, but trust the process and believe there is work for you out there — there always is.

Step Up Your Freelance Biz Game

One of my favorite things to do is help other writers make it happen. After I launched my freelance career several years ago, I realized how long it took me to learn so much! I don’t want you to have to suffer through that. It’s why I created my signature course, Bragworthy Bylines: Get Paid & Published. 

In this course, I teach writers how to get gigs, make money and truly create a freelance writing biz that thrives with them and their chosen lifestyle. I always knew something was missing in my communications career. Going freelance changed my world! It can change yours too.

Ready to learn? Register for the the course here & be sure to jump on my email list so you don’t miss tips, trips, deals and steals 😉 Honestly, all fellow writers are welcome here! Got a question? Shoot me a DM on Instagram!